The following stories are of pain and triumph. Each person has a story to tell. Each story, in their own
words, will hold you spellbound. The losses so great, and for many Justice has not been served.
It is our continued prayer that you, the reader, may never have to suffer as we have suffered. We pray too,
that you will seek the ability to listen and understand that our grief is always up front and personal. There is no shelf
life for grief, we carry it with us always.
Remember too, each person's grief is individual to them. No two people grieve in the same way, nor do they
grieve at the same rate. Grief is like a circle. One experiences all the stages in no particular order and at no
particular time. It just comes with a vengence and we learn to cope.
As you continue to read the stories, please remember us all in prayer\good thoughts.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and learn the aftermath of death, whether violent or ?..death is
still permanent.
Please sign our guest book before you leave
Thank you